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Monday, August 28, 2017

2017-08-11 Lake Havasu, End of Season

2017-08-11 Lake Havasu, End of Season

It’s that time of year again where we head to Lake Havasu for one more ”big hurrah” before saying goodbye to early morning wakeboarding, attitude adjustments, and paisties until next summer.  This trip has a mix of Virgin Orbit friends and their family.  Best part about this trip is that this is a multi-boat trip!  Trent is one of our great technicians that work on the Pylon (that’s that part that connect our rocket to our airplane); he and his new wife brought out their brand-spanking new wakeboat for its second trip to havasu.  Well it wasn’t brand new, but Trent bought it with like 15 hours of runtime or some ungodly low number.  I’m pretty sure the guy who sold Trent the boat only took it out for one weekend.  Rich also joined us with his wife and his Stingray runabout.  Rich is a technician in my group; when he’s out in Mojave with me, it’s good times and shenanigans. 

So while it’s hard to corral 8 people, it’s even harder to corral 14 people and 3 boats.  Luckily, most of us knew the lake well enough to just meet up at the major hot spots.  Meetup spot #1, the channel.  When we finally rolled up blaring our super loud music, because that is what Rob does in the channel, it was pretty easy to find Trent’s super sparkly green boat.  Turns out, Trent’s wife has some other friends in town that weekend and we had a lineup of 5 or 6 boats.  Deciding that there was no point is saving gas, we decided to all caravan up the lake to the sandbar.  Initially I was worried that the ‘ol Montery with my 5 blade prop wouldn’t be able to keep up with these guys. Turns out I drive on the water the same way I drive on a road… as fast as I’m able to.  Lol.  But it’s still really fun to see your friends on other boats while you run up the river.  

After a couple of hours at the sandbar, lunch, tossing the ball around, and making Miles swim 20 miles upstream, we decide that all of our boats have too much gas and decide that before boating back, we’d take 4 boats even further up the lake to Red Rock Canyon.  I don’t know if that’s actually what it’s called, but if all of us start calling it that then that is what it will be called.  If that’s the case, I think we should call it Fried Chicken Canyon because I’m hungry right now and fried chicken sounds awesome.  Fried Chicken Canyon has a no wake zone that is surrounded by some gorgeous rocks.  These are the kind of rocks that get into a vegas club when Diplo is Dj-ing for Dr.Dre’s only live performance in the last 20 years and the line is wrapped around the casino floor.  The kind of gorgeous that would make Bill Clinton go, daaaaaaaaaym!  Anyhow, they are pretty.  Unfortunately, the water there has a strong current and is a frigid 72 degrees so most of the time, it’s a quick stop to get in, pee, and get out.  But today we were lucky enough to score a spot on the shoulder to hang out in shallow water. 

SO, in the theme of the summer, wakeboarding has been a priority for the trip.  It’s more important than fishing, more important than sleeping in, more important than sleeping in, more important than sleeping in, OH, did I mention that we didn’t sleep in?  Dude, I’m tired just thinking about it.  However, once we are on the water, all is better, and once we throw the throttle down outside of Thompson bay, things are exceptional, and once we have that first boarder up out of the water and the music gets loud, it’s all ear to ear.  Yeah, so it’s worth it.

Alan is back at it pulling some heavy line behind the boat.  Seems like he’s found his signature move; it’s quite a pretty one at that.  Lani is on for round 2 and she’s made it her goal to show up Alan. With the way Alan is progressing, she’ll be hard pressed to catch up; but then again I’ve never seen Lani bow out of any challenge.  Some call it competitive, some call it stubborn, I call it fun to watch.

On this trip, we have 5 newbies which is a lot of newbies to try to teach in one morning.  Luckily, Trent comes to the rescue with his boat and takes Steven and his lady, Winnie (there are two on this trip) on his boat.  Now onto my task, getting Whitney, Winni W. and Holly up on a wakeboard.  Luckily, while I’m at the helm, Whitney took the initiative to snap some photos of the riders at the other end of the rope.  Somebody arrest this girl, cause she hit gold!  You know that feeling when you’ve been struggling with something and you finally get it?  Kinda feels like…. Uh, Uh, whaa, whaaaaa, ooooOOOOOOOH, holy shit!!!!! What’s going on?!?!?!!  It’s haaaaaaaappennnninnnggggg!!!!  Allow me to show you what that looks like.  

With a my job complete, I sat on the back of the boat with Winni and Miles with a couple fishing rods to bask in the glory of our morning and look forward so the Alan special for breakfast.  Thick cut deli bacon and a pair of sunny side eggs that could run a marathon. Well, at least that’s what he cooks for me; you guys can get your own damn eggs!

So after the post breakfast nap, Whitney goes, Ya know, I just don’t have the space to drink enough beer to get drunk.  Enter Mr. Jameson and Ms. Vodka.  Together, in holy matrimony, they give birth to drunk Whitney and drunk Winni. They are both straight A students but have a knack for getting into trouble.  More importantly, they are Mr.Potatohead (buckets of fun… for everyone).

The whole family and all our friends head to Steamboat for some afternoon floating fun.  Trent meets us there along with some friends.  We hook up, throw out the floaty noodles, turn up the music, and begin the relaxing.  So many stories to tell here, and yet there’s nothing really to tell.  Pretty much, it’s just, these are great friends, we’re having a great time, this place is great, I’m great, it’s all great.  

What’s not great is a boatful of hangry people.  So to havasu springs we go for the, oh so fantastic cheese burgers.  But we can’t just eat, can we?  Luckily the bar has us covered with attitude adjustments, or as Whitney calls it “Green Drink” which later turns into, “No more green drink.”  LOL.  So normally, I buy everyone a round or two of drinks and maybe some nachos and pizza.  This trip however, I decide what these people need is some IIIIIIICEEEEEEE CREEEEAAAAMMMMM.  Here’s how to shop for ice cream: Get Whitney drunk, tell her “Let’s go buy some ice cream” and then let her loose in the freezer section of Havasu springs.  I don’t know what we bought, but we both walked out with literal armfuls of ice cream.  Ice cream sammiches, push pops, fudgesicles, ice cream snicker bars, drumsticks… get the picture?  The 6 year old version of Whitney and I would be soooooooo jealous of us.

Thanks to everyone for such a fantastic trip, and two my two over-sized dice for producing so many rounds of scintillating games of seven-eleven-doubles and for the roof of our Airbnb for being so well placed for jumping into our pool.  Till next season havasu.  Till next season. 

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